We Offer
Would my tank, and customers benefit from active tank mixing?
Would a passive cathodic protection system be a sound solution to control corrosion?
My inspection revealed several coating issues, what can I do?
My tank needs some attention – how do I proceed?
These are common Owner expressed concerns when reports are handed off and/or confusion on compliance with State primacy guidelines.
MWTR Can Help
Inspection and Cleaning
When it’s time to inspect and clean your community’s storage tank – contact MWTR. The use of certified divers with NACE/AMPP credentials is a practical, proven method of performing an in-service tank inspection and cleaning. Or, if sediment is not serious, or a new/rehab tank warranty inspection, inserting a ROV and observe/record the tanks interior. Both methods are trusted, and safe methods of caring for your asset. In-service dive cleaning is often completed in 1-day, while the tank remains on-line. Each asset is inspected by a NACE Certified Inspector and a detailed report is provided.
NACE Coatings Inspection
(National Association of Corrosion Engineers)
MWTR has three (3) NACE/AMPP Certified Inspectors at its disposal, to provide hold-point inspection services for our clients. NACE/AMPP inspection ensures that both the projects and material specifications are followed, to achieve the full measure of service life each system can provide. Critical hold-point inspection during surface preparation, material application, through final inspection, adds a level of insurance Owners need to provide good stewardship of their organization’s construction dollars. -
Passive Cathodic Protection
Mountain West Tank Resources has installed hundreds of passive cathodic protection systems in water storage tanks throughout the Mountain West region. The use of passive CP is an inexpensive, efficient method to protect a steel storage tank against further corrosion. MWTR provides CP consulting, installation and anode replacement maintenance.
Inspection Agreements
MWTR can take the guess work out of State primacy requirements by providing our clients yearly or 3-5 year inspection agreements. Prioritization of your assets maintenance needs is an added benefit with MWTR. Costing, budgets, and line-item repairs/upgrades are common outcomes of an MWTR inspection agreement. Let MWTR be your resource for managing your states primacy requirements for inspection.
Active Tank Mixing
MWTR can provide active tank mixing systems, that are tank specific to prevent “short-circuiting” of water filling, protect against aging water, stagnation and improve water quality. Mixing system maintain consistent chlorine residuals throughout the tank – reducing biofilm, maintain consistent water temps and THMS.
Design-Build Delivery Method
MWTR is uniquely positioned to provide AZ, CO and NM contractor-licensed and insured design-build delivery of common storage tank upgrades. Knowing the pulse of the storage tank marketplace, combined with in-depth knowledge of NSF coatings and concrete repair materials, provides our clients a trusted resource for responsive and timely completion of common tank upgrades.
Emergency Repair Services
MWTR has extensive experience in providing emergency tank repairs. Underwater welding, leak location and repairs are common requests for service. MWTR has the resources to return your asset to an operational condition.
Exterior Pressure Washing
MWTR can combine exterior tank cleaning and graffiti removal to almost any project. MWTR carefully high-pressure power washes to effectively remove dust, dirt, and mild oxidation to improve tank aesthetics. Should graffiti be a problem – MWTR can remove and install anti-graffiti treatments.
At MWTR we are proficient in the use of aerial drone technology to provide our clients with a birds-eye view of their asset(s) and often used to supplement climbing elevated storage to check security and sanitary conditions. MWTR can provide video footage for client marketing purposes.